The Women’s Health Education Program (WHEP) of the P2i Global Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, organized under the laws of Ohio, recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Our WHEP Workshops Are Back!! Please SHARE/INVITE someone you know ?
We are kicking off 2018 with CelebrateOne Safe Sleep Ambassador Training!
ALL new and expectant moms are invited to attend the training. You will receive FREE food, diapers and wipes, AND a Certificate that authenticates you as a CelebrateOne Safe Sleep Ambassador!
To attend, RSVP by February 25th by texting or emailing:
– Your full name and age.
– Diaper size needed.
Text 614-350-7070 or Email info@whepohio.org
You MUST RSVP to receive free diapers and wipes.